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Amazon Web Services Technology

What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform offered by Amazon. The AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure is the most secure, extensive, and reliable cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. It provides a vast array of cloud services including computing power, storage solutions, networking, databases, machine learning, analytics, security, IoT, and more.

Benefits of Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

  • Flexibility and Choice: It offers a wide range of services and tools across computing, storage, databases, machine learning, analytics, IoT, and more, providing flexibility to choose the right tools for specific business needs.
  • Reliability and Availability: AWS operates across multiple regions and Availability Zones, ensuring high availability and redundancy. Its services are designed to be fault-tolerant, reducing the risk of downtime.
  • Scalability: AWS provides scalable resources that can be easily adjusted based on demand, allowing businesses to scale up or down without significant upfront investment or disruption.
  • Security: AWS implements robust security measures and compliance certifications. It offers tools like IAM, encryption services, firewalls, and monitoring to help users build secure environments.
  • Cost-Effective: AWS follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing users to pay only for the resources they use. This eliminates the need for large upfront investments and reduces overall IT costs.
  • Innovation and Agility: AWS continually introduces new services and updates existing ones, enabling businesses to leverage the latest technologies and stay competitive. Its agile infrastructure facilitates faster deployment and experimentation.
  • Global Reach: With data centers in multiple regions around the world, AWS enables businesses to deploy applications closer to their users, improving latency and compliance with regional data regulations.
  • Ecosystem and Integration: AWS has a vast ecosystem of partners, third-party tools, and extensive documentation, making it easier for businesses to integrate AWS services into their existing workflows and systems.
  • Managed Services: AWS offers numerous managed services, reducing the operational burden on businesses by handling tasks like patching, updates, and maintenance.
  • Global Footprint: AWS has the largest global infrastructure footprint of any provider, and this footprint is constantly increasing at a significant rate.

AWS credits:

AWS Activate provides eligible startups with a host of resources, including free AWS credits to spend on AWS services, and AWS Support. AWS provides Three Types of Offers.

  • 12-Months Free: These free tier offers are only available to new AWS customers, and are available for 12 months following your AWS sign-up date. When your 12 month free usage term expires or if your application use exceeds the tiers, you simply pay standard, pay-as-you-go service rates (see each service page for full pricing details). Restrictions apply; see offer terms for more details.
  • Always Free: These free tier offers do not automatically expire at the end of your 12 month AWS Free Tier term, but are available to both existing and new AWS customers indefinitely.
  • Trials: These free tier offers are short term trial offers that start from the time of first usage begins. Once the trial period expires you simply pay standard, pay-as-you-go service rates (see each service page for full pricing details).

