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What is Ansible?

Ansible is an open-source automation platform from RedHat used for configuration management, application deployment, and orchestration. It simplifies the management of IT infrastructure by automating repetitive tasks, allowing for streamlined deployment and management of systems and applications.

Benefits for using Ansible:

  • Agentless Architecture: Ansible operates without the need for agents on managed nodes. It connects via SSH or WinRM for Windows systems, allowing seamless communication and reducing system overhead.
  • Ansible for ad-hoc commands: You can also use Ansible to run ad-hoc commands, which automate a single task on one or more managed nodes. To do this, you will need to run a command or call a module directly from the command line. No playbook is used, and ad-hoc commands are not reusable. This is fine for a one-time task, but anything more frequent or complex will require the use of an Ansible Playbook.
  • Playbooks and Modules: Ansible uses YAML-based Playbooks, which describe the desired state of systems or configurations. Modules, small units of code, are used to perform specific tasks like installing software, managing files, or configuring services.
  • Idempotent Operations: Ansible ensures that operations are idempotent, meaning applying the same configuration multiple times results in the same outcome, reducing the risk of unintended changes.
  • Orchestration and Configuration Management: It facilitates orchestration of complex tasks and configuration management across multiple servers, ensuring consistency and efficiency in managing infrastructure.
  • Reusability: Supports modular and reusable playbooks and roles, enabling the creation of standardized configurations and the reuse of automation code across projects.
  • Extensibility and Integration: Ansible integrates with various cloud providers, networking devices, and third-party tools, allowing for a broad range of automation scenarios.
  • Community and Ecosystem: It has a vibrant community contributing modules, playbooks, and support, making it easier to adopt and use Ansible for different use cases.

Key Ansible terms:

  • Playbook: A YAML file defining a series of tasks to be executed. Playbooks describe the desired state of the system and use modules to achieve that state.
  • Task: An action or unit of work defined within a playbook. Tasks typically involve invoking modules to perform specific actions like installing software, copying files, restarting services, etc.
  • Module: A discrete unit of code that carries out specific tasks on managed nodes. Modules are invoked by Ansible to perform actions like managing packages, files, users, services, and more.
  • Inventory: A file (often in INI or YAML format) containing a list of managed nodes (servers, devices, etc.) that Ansible manages. It organizes these nodes into groups and assigns variables to them.
  • Play: A combination of one or more roles and tasks that work together to achieve a specific objective within a playbook.
  • Role: A reusable and self-contained set of tasks, variables, and configurations. Roles are used to organize and package tasks for easier reuse across multiple playbooks.
  • Handler: A specific type of task that is only executed when notified by another task. Handlers are commonly used to restart services or perform other actions triggered by changes.
  • Facts: System information collected by Ansible from managed nodes, such as network settings, hardware details, OS information, etc. These facts can be used in playbooks for conditional execution or dynamic configurations.

